A cherry berry flavored, power packed, healthy bite-sized snack that actually tastes like candy.
Chew0ff chewables are cherry berry flavored, power packed, healthy bite-sized, snacks that actually taste like candy! Imagine eating candy that satisfies your hunger, gives you extra energy, plus increases your metabolism and even provides fiber, vitamins, minerals and more. They really are like eating healthy candy that helps you lose weight! Plus they're Gluten-Free!
To control hunger, boost metabolism and increase energy, chew 2 tablets daily with a glass of water. For accelerated results chew 2 Chew0ff tablets with at least one full glass of water 30 minutes before breakfast, then again 30 minutes before lunch, and finally 30 minutes before dinner.
Chew0ffs will help you feel full so listen to your body and naturally eat less. Watch how little you will want to eat and how fast the pounds and inches will melt away. Because Chew0ff controls your hunger so well, if you listen to your body, this package should save you money because you’ll buy less food.
This 10 Packet Package contains 10 Chew0ff Convenience Packets, each with 6 chewables inside for a total of 60 tablets.
These amazing products producing some amazing results. Check out some of these key benefits.
Key Benefits
Controls hunger and cravings.
Boosts metabolism.
Gluten Free.
How To Use
Chew 1 tablet in the morning and 1 tablet in the afternoon with water.
Dosage - 1 tablet twice daily For accelerated results chew 2 tablets before each meal.